

What is the purpose of a funeral?

It is the customary way to recognize death and its finality. Funerals are a vital part in the grieving process, as well as a chance to celebrate the life that was lived. They offer the surviving family and friends a caring, supportive environment in which to share their thoughts and feelings about the passing. Often funerals are the first step in the healing process.

What role does the funeral director fill?

A funeral director’s primary responsibility is to help you through a very difficult point in your life. They are there to listen, to console, to plan and to handle. Through discussions they have with you, based on the information that you share with them on your loved one, they are able to offer you guidance and to help you to coordinate a personal tribute that honors the life of your loved one.


Bismarck Funeral Home’s funeral directors can guide you through planning the service, complete the necessary paperwork and coordinate doctors, ministers, florists, newspapers and other vendors to make your funeral service as seamless as possible. But they will also take the time to listen to your stories about your loved one, to answer your questions on the grief you are feeling, link you to support groups and recommend sources for professional help. By acting as an experienced source for support and guidance, a professional, ethical funeral director can provide you with the relief you need while during with one of the greatest times of need you will ever experience.

Is it necessary to have a funeral director?

In most states, family members may choose to bury their loved ones, although regulations do vary. However, most people find it very trying to assume the entire responsibility of arranging the details and legal matters surrounding a death.

Is it possible to plan a funeral in advance?

It is recommended that everyone preplan for his or her own funeral. Doing so can offer emotional and financial support for you and your family. By preplanning a funeral, you will get the kind of service you want and your family will be freed of the burden of making decisions at a very stressful time. Preplanning doesn’t necessarily mean prepaying. If you are considering preplanning your funeral, feel free to contact us and we can help you.

Why have a public viewing?

Viewing is a part of many cultural and ethnic traditions. Many grief specialists believe that a viewing aids in the grief process by helping the bereaved in recognizing the reality of death. Viewing is encouraged for children, as long as the process is fully explained and the activity is voluntary.